What’s better than revenge?

You have undertaken to cheat me. I won’t sue you, for the law is too slow. I’ll ruin you. Cornelius Vanderbilt 1794-1877 I know you’ve seen movies or TV shows where one person does an injustice to another. The offended person is often shown glaring at the offender with fire in his eyes and saying, “I’ll get you for this if it’s the last thing I do.” We all know this is called revenge. And we also know how damaging it can be to the people who let the desire for revenge consume their lives. If revenge can do so …
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Are you sending out the wrong message?

In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy. Karl Reiland We all constantly send out messages to the world around us, and our results in life are directly related to the messages we convey. Often, we send messages that are destined to attract results other than those we want. To illustrate the point, let me share a story told by Simon Sinek, a well known speaker and author of the book Start with Why. I’m sure you’ve all encountered panhandlers who sit on the street with poorly lettered cardboard signs asking for donations. Simon observed that …
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A reader’s reply

Waste not, want not. John Wesley 1703 – 1791 The following is a reader’s comments about last week’s lesson, “What’s your belief about money?” John, I would like to comment on your article. We too, grew up very poor as far as money was concerned, but we were the richest people around when it came to family love and unity. I was taught all of the sayings that you mentioned and learned them well. Today, everyone teases me about my “beer and cigarette money.” By NOT smoking or drinking I have been able to save enough to buy anything I …
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