Never worry alone

A faithful friend is a strong defense: And he that hath found such a one hath found a treasure. Ecclesiastes 6:14 We all engage in worry at times — some of us on a daily basis. Many of the things we worry about have little chance of happening, so a lot of the time and energy we spend worrying is wasted. However, there are legitimate things about which we can and should worry. When things aren’t going well in a business, it’s foolish to take a Pollyanna attitude and just assume things will work out. Likewise, when you have personal …
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The Pillow Test

You become what you give your attention to. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. I’m always looking for little things people can do to improve their quality of life. I recently heard of a good exercise from an associate in Dallas; he calls it the pillow test. It’s simple, but it can be very effective over time. As you lay your head down on your pillow each night, ask yourself the following two questions. What am I glad I did today? What do I wish I had done today? These are powerful and thought provoking questions. Think about the things you …
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Don’t panic and drown

As every scuba diver knows, panic is your worst enemy: when it hits, your mind starts to thrash and you are likely to do something really stupid and self-destructive. Daniel Dennett 1942 – I grew up in a small town in east central Mississippi. In my high school years, I hung out with a group of friends that enjoyed fishing, hunting and camping. One of the more affluent members of our group had access to a flat-bottomed boat with an outboard motor, and we got to use it occasionally. One of our favorite spots was a small river a few miles outside …
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