Are you bowling alone?

Too much self-centered attitude, you see, brings isolation. Result: loneliness, fear, anger. The extreme self-centered attitude is the source of suffering. Dalai Lama 1935 – In 1995, Robert Putnam, a Harvard Professor of Public Policy, wrote an article that he later expanded into the book Bowling Alone. One of the more interesting observations he made was that there was an increase in bowling as a recreational activity but a decrease in bowling leagues: so people were bowling more, just not in leagues. Despite the book’s title, people weren’t actually bowling alone, but they were limiting themselves by selecting teammates and …
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Offering help

Many receive advice, few profit by it. Publilius Syrus 1st Century B.C. Human nature is a funny thing. When we discover a new truth or helpful habit, we can become too enthusiastic about sharing our new-found wisdom with others. We’ve all encountered this behavior: the reformed drinker who suddenly wants to convert everyone they know to a teetotaler, or the overweight person who gets obsessed with healthy eating and wants others to be just as vigilant. These people can be annoying or even downright obnoxious. While they mean well, their efforts aren’t always appreciated and the results are often the …
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Choose the short pain

Well done is quickly done. Augustus Caesar 63 B.C. – A.D. 14 Some time ago, I was at a business conference where the chairman of a hundred million dollar company was explaining a business principle. It’s a very valid concept and applies not only to business but to our everyday lives. To illustrate the point, he told a story about himself. One of his top executives had been groomed to be the next CEO of the company. The chairman had agonized over the decision and had finally come to the conclusion that this particular man was not the best person …
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