And then what?

If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing. William Edwards Deming 1900 – 1993 Throughout our school years, we were conditioned to answer questions asked in class and on exams. We became accustomed to thinking that the key to success is having the right answers. But if you take a close look at the most successful people in life, you’ll find that their strength is not in having the right answers, but in asking the right questions. I’d like to give you a great question that will help you in all aspects of life: …
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It costs too much

What is a cynic? A man who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Oscar Wilde 1854 – 1900 A few months ago, I was working with a client who wanted to improve his sales volume and net income by a substantial margin. After a few sessions with the client, it became clear that he didn’t have the knowledge to achieve his goals, so I suggested some workshops and seminars that could provide the missing information. I left him the details to review, directed him to some web sites and said we would discuss his options next time. …
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The obsession with self-storage

It is much better to die of hunger unhindered by grief and fear than to live affluently beset with worry, dread, suspicion, and unchecked desire. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. I want to discuss a growing trend that’s been taking place around the country: the proliferation of self-storage businesses. It seems that these things just keep cropping up, and apparently, they do very well. And if you study residential housing, the size of the single family home has also increased. The standard house now is described as 3, 2 and a den: that’s three bedrooms, two baths and a den. …
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