Offering help

Many receive advice, few profit by it. Publilius Syrus 1st Century B.C. Human nature is a funny thing. When we discover a new truth or helpful habit, we can become too enthusiastic about sharing our new-found wisdom with others. We’ve all encountered this behavior: the reformed drinker who suddenly wants to convert everyone they know to a teetotaler, or the overweight person who gets obsessed with healthy eating and wants others to be just as vigilant. These people can be annoying or even downright obnoxious. While they mean well, their efforts aren’t always appreciated and the results are often the …
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Making choices

If you don’t like what’s happening, you have to consciously make new choices about how to think, feel and act. Roger Allen A few years ago, a young lady and I were talking about some issues in her life. She was having trouble accepting responsibility for her part in these difficulties, so I asked her a question: how good are you at making choices? She was quick to reply that she always made good choices. She went on to say that she thought things through, weighed all the possibilities and felt like she made good decisions. I then asked her …
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Giving and getting

For it is in giving that we receive. St. Francis of Assisi c. 1181 – 1226 When I was a young child, I wasn’t particularly fond of returning to school after the holidays — though not for the reason you might think. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t like school as the fact that all my friends asked the same question: “What did you get for Christmas?” I’d have to recite the items I got and then ask them what they’d received. And naturally, each of us made a mental note of who got more. We judged ourselves on …
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