Are you building walls or bridges?

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You’ve got to be carefully taught! “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” From the 1949 musical South Pacific Rogers and Hammerstein I’d like you to take a minute or two to think about this question: in your everyday life, do you build more walls or bridges? If you’ve never thought in these terms, you might not understand exactly what I mean, so let me explain. At times, we build walls that separate us from others. …
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The gratitude letter

The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains. Proverb At this time of global uncertainty, many people are feeling weighted down by negative emotions: fear, sadness, worry, regret. Here’s a simple activity you can do which will not only brighten your day but improve another person’s as well. Professor Christopher Peterson taught positive psychology at the University of Michigan. One of the assignments he gave his students was to write a gratitude letter. The instructions were fairly simple: think about someone who has made a real difference in your life and write that person a …
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Your fair share

Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them. Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 – 1821 Once, I was working with a couple of partners who owned and operated a small business. The partners were experiencing some friction and one called me to vent his frustration. His main complaint was that he was doing the majority of the work. In his opinion, the other partner wasn’t doing his fair share. About a week later, I was still wondering how to deal with the problem when the other partner called and asked to have coffee with me. When we met, I was stunned …
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