Why do you get up in the morning?

Either you run the day or the day runs you. Jim Rohn 1930 – 2009 When I’m working with someone, I often ask them this question: why do you get up in the morning? Take a moment to think about your answer before you continue reading. When I ask this question, the overwhelming majority of the answers fall into one of these categories: I have to go to work; I have to take care of the kids; I have to go to school. But I never rest with this first answer; I always dig deeper. So my next question might …
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Been there, done that

One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done. Marie Curie 1867 – 1934 Many of you have probably heard of a “honey do” jar or a job jar: a container stuffed with slips of paper listing all the little things that need to be done around the home. That way, whenever you have spare time, you don’t have to remember the different items that need maintenance or repair — you can just pull a slip from the jar and get started on a chore. Unfortunately, the problem with a job jar is that it always …
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Your fair share

Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them. Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 – 1821 Once, I was working with a couple of partners who owned and operated a small business. The partners were experiencing some friction and one called me to vent his frustration. His main complaint was that he was doing the majority of the work. In his opinion, the other partner wasn’t doing his fair share. About a week later, I was still wondering how to deal with the problem when the other partner called and asked to have coffee with me. When we met, I was stunned …
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