What are you missing?

There are none so blind as those who will not see. English Proverb During the commuter rush hour on a morning in January 2007, a young man stood playing a violin in one of Washington D.C.’s metro stations. Roughly 2,000 people passed him as they entered the station. Most barely noticed him, though a few stopped and listened for a short time. At the end of an hour of playing, he had collected $32. To the casual observer, he appeared to be a typical street musician in blue jeans and a baseball cap. But he was anything but typical. He …
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The path to improvement

Our thoughts create our reality — where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go. Peter McWilliams 1949 – 2000 Nearly everyone I know wants to improve some area of their lives; every person I work with is certainly looking to make a change for the better. Yet far too many people focus on the wrong thing. Let me share with you an experiment carried out at the University of Wisconsin. The researchers selected two bowling teams, determined a baseline performance level for each group, and videotaped the teams in action. Then the researchers edited the tapes. …
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The surprising power of expectations

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you are probably right. Henry Ford 1863 – 1947 In the mid-1970s, Jim Fannin, a personal coach for many high profile athletes, did an experiment involving young children. He assembled over two hundred children aged four or five to participate. The first step of the experiment was to get the children to decide if they were fast or slow. He had all the children in a gym and asked them to divide into two groups; the group on the left were those who considered themselves slow and the group …
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