Are you building walls or bridges?

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You’ve got to be carefully taught! “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” From the 1949 musical South Pacific Rogers and Hammerstein I’d like you to take a minute or two to think about this question: in your everyday life, do you build more walls or bridges? If you’ve never thought in these terms, you might not understand exactly what I mean, so let me explain. At times, we build walls that separate us from others. …
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What pole are you: positive or negative?

Your mind is a magnet. You don’t attract what you need or what you want; you attract who you are. Carlos Santana 1947 – When I was a child, I remember learning about magnets in school. I was fascinated by the way they worked — positive and negative poles attracting each other while like poles repelled with surprising force. I can even recall trying to push two like poles together; no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it. But what about people? Are there rules of attraction for humans? Clearly, there are competing opinions on the subject; just consider …
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Do you want to improve morale?

Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal. Aristotle 384 B.C. – 322 B.C. Do you work in an office where morale is low? Is your home life filled with tension and poor relationships? Are you in a social organization where the atmosphere is strained? Would you like to somehow change those conditions? I was walking through a mall a few weeks back and couldn’t help but notice a young man wearing one of those message T-shirts. This …
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