Planning for unhappiness

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open. John Barrymore 1882 – 1942 No matter who you are or how good your life is, at some point, you’re going to be unhappy. It might only be for a few hours or a few days: someone could hurt your feelings, you could break or lose a treasured possession, or a host of little things might go wrong. But there’s always the potential for worst case events, ones no one is immune to: you could lose your job or your savings, be diagnosed with a serious illness, or see a …
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Plan M

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. George S. Patton 1885 – 1945 A few years ago, there was a feel-good show called Leverage, in which former criminals used their unique skills to help people in need. In the pilot episode, things start going wrong on a job and the leader, Nathan Ford, changes the plan. One of the crew asks if they’re going to Plan B. He replies, “Technically, that would be Plan G.” Which prompts another question: “How many plans do we have? Is there, like, a Plan M?” I’ve written before about the importance of having a …
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The when, then trap

I will act now. Success will not wait. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person. Og Mandino 1923 – 1996 Have you ever been caught in the “when, then” trap? In case you’re not sure what I mean, let me give you an example from my experience coaching other professionals. I was working with a small business owner who was struggling to get things done. He was working way too many hours and generating mediocre results. I suggested that he might not be spending his time wisely. I went on to tell him how Sir Richard Branson, …
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