Smart bombs

Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind. Seneca 4 B.C. – 65 A.D. Smart bombs, as the military calls them, are bombs that can self-correct in the middle of a mission. If the target moves, the smart bomb adjusts its path. Each time the target changes position, the smart bomb makes a course correction. It’s truly amazing technology. And if we stop for a minute and consider how the smart bomb actually works, we can learn a lot from it. At …
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Forget what and how

It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters Why you do it. Simon Sinek 1973 – If you’re still setting your goals for the year, I suggest you avoid making big, life changing resolutions, because historically, most of them aren’t kept. But if you insist on making resolutions, then at least forget about the what and the how. Instead focus on the why. Why focus on the why? Well, Delaware University Professor Julia Belyavsky Bayuk ran an interesting experiment that demonstrates a surprising point: focusing on the what and how can actually work against you in achieving your goals. For …
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The two minute warning

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. Theophrastus d. 278 B.C. American pro football is an exciting game to watch, as its many devoted fans can attest. Playable time is limited to sixty minutes, divided into two halves. As time starts winding down in each half, the game is stopped with two minutes to play and both teams are given the two minute warning. I don’t regularly watch football, but I’ve made an interesting observation: if the game is close, teams will often achieve more in the final two minutes than they did in the previous twenty-eight. …
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