Emergency room triage

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. Theophrastus d. 278 B.C. On several occasions over the years, I’ve had the unfortunate experience of taking someone to an emergency room at a hospital. After a hospital staffer gets the patient’s name and information, the patient is sent to triage; a nurse checks the patient’s vital signs, determines the reason for the visit, then makes a decision about the next step. The choices are either to proceed with immediate treatment, or — as happens in most cases — to send the patient back to the waiting room. Generally, the …
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The path to improvement

Our thoughts create our reality — where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go. Peter McWilliams 1949 – 2000 Nearly everyone I know wants to improve some area of their lives; every person I work with is certainly looking to make a change for the better. Yet far too many people focus on the wrong thing. Let me share with you an experiment carried out at the University of Wisconsin. The researchers selected two bowling teams, determined a baseline performance level for each group, and videotaped the teams in action. Then the researchers edited the tapes. …
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Where’s your focus?

Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own. Harold Coffin I recently read about an interesting psychological study and wanted to share the story with you. Researchers conducted a series of experiments where groups of two people were presented one hundred dollars to split between them. One person would decide how to divide the money and could split the funds in any fashion. Once that choice was made, the other person would either accept or reject the split. If the person accepted the proposed split, the two would share the money as agreed. But …
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