The easy way or the hard way

Of course I work hard. Why shouldn’t I? Who am I to think I should get things the easy way?
Judy Holliday
1921 – 1965

We’ve all seen movies and TV shows where a character says, “We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way.” The implication of the statement is clear: anyone would prefer to do things the easy way. It’s human nature to want to find the easiest solution, the one that requires the least amount of effort or pain.

But in real life, the choices aren’t always clear-cut. In fact, what looks like the easy way often turns out to be a bad choice.

At one time or another, I suspect we’ve all given in to the temptation to do things the easy way. Sometimes it works, and we find a shortcut that gets us where we need to be in less time or with less effort. But what about the times when it doesn’t work?

To start, think about your driving experiences. How many times has a promising shortcut gotten you lost, put you in the wrong place, or actually cost you time? The most popular route doesn’t get that honor by accident; it’s generally more efficient than you think.

An even better example is the fad diet that promises to revolutionize weight loss and produce amazing results in a few short weeks. Those plans make incredible claims, but how often do they work in the long run? They may provide quick results initially, but more often than not, any pounds you shed end up returning. You may even gain more pounds as your body seeks to compensate for the rigors of dieting.

And what about hot investment tips and get-rich-quick schemes — have those ever worked for anybody? The lofty promises always come with a price; they end up costing most people time and money without providing any results.

There’s an old saying that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. That saying has stayed in use because it continues to hold true: looks can be deceiving, and it’s rare to get results without putting in appropriate effort. You’re better off skipping the shortcut and putting your time and money towards the hard work, where they’re more likely to make a difference.

The truth is, there’s no simply substitute for hard work and determined effort. Don’t fall for the lure of the easy way. Stick with honest effort; if you want lasting, meaningful results, the hard way is the only way that will get you there.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
Beverly Sills
1929 – 2007

Copyright © 2021 John Chancellor and Cheryl Chancellor

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