What pole are you: positive or negative?

Your mind is a magnet. You don’t attract what you need or what you want; you attract who you are. Carlos Santana 1947 – When I was a child, I remember learning about magnets in school. I was fascinated by the way they worked — positive and negative poles attracting each other while like poles repelled with surprising force. I can even recall trying to push two like poles together; no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it. But what about people? Are there rules of attraction for humans? Clearly, there are competing opinions on the subject; just consider …
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The path to improvement

Our thoughts create our reality — where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go. Peter McWilliams 1949 – 2000 Nearly everyone I know wants to improve some area of their lives; every person I work with is certainly looking to make a change for the better. Yet far too many people focus on the wrong thing. Let me share with you an experiment carried out at the University of Wisconsin. The researchers selected two bowling teams, determined a baseline performance level for each group, and videotaped the teams in action. Then the researchers edited the tapes. …
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Is your optimism hindering your success?

Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true. Napoleon Hill 1883 – 1970 You don’t need to do much research to find that optimistic people live longer, enjoy a healthier life and generally fare much better than their pessimistic counterparts. But consider this question: is it possible to be too optimistic? Can your optimism actually hinder your success? Psychologist Gabriele Oettingen has done extensive research on how optimism influences your ability to achieve your goals. In one study involving women enrolled in weight loss programs, the …
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