Want to improve your luck?

I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson 1746 – 1826 I’ve always believed that luck was totally random, not something you could control. But it seems I was wrong. Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire has devoted a lot of time and effort to studying luck and sheds some light on how to improve your luck. As part of his studies, he placed ads in newspapers in the major cities of England asking people who considered themselves consistently lucky or unlucky to contact him. …
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Confusing facts and opinions

It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. Often, changes happen in our lives. When these events occur, too many of us automatically assume that a specific outcome is bound to follow. In essence, we give our opinions the weight of fact, thereby influencing the subsequent events. Consider an example. A person loses his job. As a result, he assumes that he faces financial ruin. Financial calamity isn’t yet a fact; it’s an opinion. It is one interpretation of the consequences of a factual event. But when we give our …
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The bad economy

There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity. Douglas MacArthur 1880 – 1964 You’d need to be hiding under a huge rock to have missed all the doom and gloom that the news media has been spreading over the past couple of weeks. There’s no doubt that we’re facing some challenging times. Economic conditions tend to run in cycles. First, there’s euphoria and everything is rosy. We throw caution to the wind and spend like there’s no tomorrow. Eventually, this cycle runs its course and things turn a bit ugly. Then we have to pay the price. There are …
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