Forget what and how

It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters Why you do it. Simon Sinek 1973 – If you’re still setting your goals for the year, I suggest you avoid making big, life changing resolutions, because historically, most of them aren’t kept. But if you insist on making resolutions, then at least forget about the what and the how. Instead focus on the why. Why focus on the why? Well, Delaware University Professor Julia Belyavsky Bayuk ran an interesting experiment that demonstrates a surprising point: focusing on the what and how can actually work against you in achieving your goals. For …
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Merry Christmas… or Happy Holidays?

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. Roy L. Smith 1887-1963 Last week, one of my neighbors put up a yard sign saying “Christmas is all about JESUS.” I couldn’t help but think that their message presented a narrow interpretation of the Christmas season, and one that inadvertently misses the point. I agree that Christmas shouldn’t be a consumer-driven, consumption-focused holiday. But if we go too far in the other direction — defining the holiday with a Christian perspective that excludes other beliefs — then we’re still forgetting the spirit of the …
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On being thankful

Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions. It’s a mental attitude. It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don’t have. It’s so simple — yet so difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Bill P. and Lisa D. Hazelden Publishing With the holiday season rapidly approaching, it seems only appropriate to discuss the importance of reflecting on all the good things we have in life. The Pilgrim Fathers recognized the value of expressing gratitude for life’s gifts and started the tradition of setting aside a special day to give …
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