Listen and Grow Rich

People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share Sounds Of Silence Simon and Garfunkel In 1937, Napoleon Hill wrote the classic Think and Grow Rich. Many people credit Hill’s book with changing their lives. Think and Grow Rich is just as valuable today as when it was first written, because the principles of living a better life don’t change. The tools and techniques change, but the core principles remain the same. I’d like to discuss a simple technique that will greatly enrich anyone who practices it. Employing this technique will help you in …
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Are you sending out the wrong message?

In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy. Karl Reiland We all constantly send out messages to the world around us, and our results in life are directly related to the messages we convey. Often, we send messages that are destined to attract results other than those we want. To illustrate the point, let me share a story told by Simon Sinek, a well known speaker and author of the book Start with Why. I’m sure you’ve all encountered panhandlers who sit on the street with poorly lettered cardboard signs asking for donations. Simon observed that …
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What’s your communication style?

The problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred. George Bernard Shaw 1856 – 1950 In the book 6 Secrets to Startup Success, author John Bradberry discusses his consulting role with new ventures. Part of his job is to assess the management team’s ability to solve problems and make decisions. One technique he uses is to determine their communication styles. He does his assessment by observing each person’s conversational style and classifying it into one of two categories: advocacy or inquiry. When a person converses with an advocacy mindset, they assert, claim or push their point of view. …
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