Looking for solutions

Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got. Jim Rohn 1930 - 2009 Recently, I was working with a businessman who was concerned about the decline in his business. My first step was to get him to list all the reasons which, in his opinion, were responsible for the downturn. He mentioned the general economy and the local economy, a new competitor nearby, his “behind the times” supplier, and the list went on and on. When he’d finished noting all the reasons he could think of to account for the decline in business, I asked him …
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The ultimate success tool

Your choices will empower or enslave you. And which you choose is up to you. Roger Allen Most people I work with are continually striving to achieve more. They’re constantly on the lookout for better or easier ways to accomplish things. If you can relate to that mindset, then let me tell you about the ultimate tool for success. I must warn you: when I explain the tool to most people, they’re disappointed; they believe the secret to success must be some hidden treasure that only Indiana Jones could uncover. In fact, the ultimate success tool is quite simple. It …
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The high price of avoidance

If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. Jim Rohn 1930 – 2009 It’s unfortunate, but most people tend to avoid doing the things which will have the biggest impact on their lives. We’ve been taught since childhood to be careful, to avoid failure, and to stay away from danger. We’ve become conditioned to steer clear of conflict and problems and to avoid threats to our sense of self. But avoidance comes with a price. All worthy goals in life require us to try something new, to explore unknown territory, to …
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