The Great Pyramid

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
c. 604 – c. 531 B.C.

The Great Pyramid was built roughly 4,500 years ago and is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I’ve never been to Egypt to see it, but I’ve heard it described by people who have. Most visitors who see the Pyramid in person ask the same question: “How on earth did they build it?”

This reaction isn’t limited to the pyramids; you’d probably have the same response when seeing the Great Wall of China or any other ancient marvel of engineering. It’s easy to look at the finished product and be overwhelmed by the scope of the task, particularly when you consider the limited mechanical equipment available at the time these structures were built.

But I’ve given this puzzle some thought. At its most basic level, the building of any significant structure involves certain common steps.

  • The first step in building anything is having a clear vision of the project.
  • The vision is then reduced to specific plans.
  • Resources, people and materials are gathered.
  • Plans are implemented, the work is measured and adjustments are made.

I doubt that you have plans to build anything as significant as the Great Pyramid. But you may have a desire to create something that future generations can enjoy — some sort of legacy that will survive beyond your lifespan.

No matter what you want to accomplish in life, the steps are the same: develop a vision, create specific plans and gather the necessary resources. Then start working.

The Pyramid was built one stone at a time. It doesn’t matter how big your dream is; it can be accomplished through consistent effort. Too often, we have dreams but never make specific plans to achieve them. Or we develop plans but fail to take action. We become overwhelmed by big dreams.

We need to understand that dreams are achieved one step at a time. The Great Pyramid was built stone by stone. The Great Wall of China was built brick by brick. Whatever your goal is, reduce it to simple, manageable steps. Then take the first step. The second step is always easier.

Slow and steady wins the race.
c. 550 B.C.

Copyright © 2013 by John Chancellor


The Great Pyramid — 2 Comments

  1. Hi John ……..Nice direct and clearly defined advice especially for start ups. I recently spend months looking for someone to go into partnership with me on a new venture. However I had to give up because I could not find anyone with the same vision and enthusiasm as myself. Perhaps it is foolish to think someone else would always “Totally get it” Keep up the good work sir.

  2. Tim,

    Thanks for your comments. I think you are on the right track, looking for someone who shares the same vision. Don’t give up. I would look around for other places to find like minded individuals.
